Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Woman's life love the most painful of 10

Unrequited love - the love is very painful wishful thinking, and suffering has no meaning. If the other party and you're not a band, you all talk and sad eyes of all the other ludicrous. But if you are willing to put the feelings buried in the bottom of my heart slowly savor alone, it can lead to wine.
Love at first sight - it was the best way to love, is most likely to shake your faith in the way of love. Dissipated because of the time when the magic, you will find the prince into a frog. Did you fall in love with a frog in it? You feel so stupid ah.
Anti-tracking - love can take the initiative on their own to fight, the joy of conquest unparalleled (so men are bored.) Just Anti-tracking is very particular about technique, when the only fledgling bombing, after a little more attention to strategies mature, and only found in each other's eyes a glimmer of sparks when it can continue to the next step. Good hunter is slowly caught.
Playboy - Some men are definitely not to be, whether he looks more handsome, more handsome manner, the grace, how awesomeness, home is a scourge, prompting you sad tears, suffered a crushing defeat.
Rich man - a man of money with your relationship is actually not: he loves you, he said, either you spend his money (in fact his heart is the bottom line, you can not spend more than he did) ; so he's not interested in you, he's with you even more money does not matter.
Married men - men have a strong sense of responsibility, but this sense of responsibility makes you very angry, because it is not directed at you.
Take advantage of Israel - this relationship is Rehuoshangshen. So your first objective was achieved, while the other is also enthusiastic about, how do you end?
His betrayal - men, regardless of looks more honest and upright man, bones are a traitor, said words can not, can be concealed and the people loved. Understand this, the next ready to dedicate myself to weigh out weigh the time, you can bear the consequences of his betrayal of it?
My empathy - a promise when the mind must be clear, you can ensure that their feelings are not degenerate it? If not, do not easily put in a basket of love and fate, at least right to do so he is responsible.
Sex slaves - for women, of how important? Without it, it is very important; have it, its weight as light as a feather. If a woman fall in love with a man for sex, in the end will despise him. This point and the men are very different, if only for sex, you should not give up too much.

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